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What we do

SEK is a state-owned company that finances Swedish exporters, their subsidiaries, and their foreign customers.

Substantial knowledge

With lending in 60 countries, we have substantial knowledge of international transactions and we are a natural business partner with export financing

Perhaps you need to broaden your financial base, invest in a new facility, increase production or make an acquisition. Or do you wish to offer your customers longer payment terms at the same time as you receive payment directly? Your borrowing requirements do not need to be directly connected to an export transaction.

 Our financial solutions


SEK strengthen the competitiveness of the Swedish export industry and contributes to a more sustainable world. We do this mainly by offering sustainable financing and by setting requirements when lending.

Since 1962, SEK has offered loans that have enabled thousands of Swedish companies to grow by increasing their production, completing acquisitions, increasing their employees, and selling goods and services to customers across the globe. Swedish exporters, their subsidiaries and international buyers of Swedish products and services are all eligible for financing. The target group is companies who have a turnover of more than Skr 500 million.

SEK administers the CIRR system, which is a specially commissioned public policy assignment by the Swedish parliament. Commercial Interest Reference Rates (CIRR) means that exporters foreign customers get financing at a fixed interest rate for the entire credit period.

What distinguishes SEK from other financiers is that we are state-owned and therefore a stable and long-term partner with a high credit rating. Additionally, we are a part of Team Sweden, and collaborate with other state-owned export promoters to help Swedish exporters to conduct business abroad.