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Team Sweden

Team Sweden is an umbrella of authorities, agencies and companies who all assist Swedish companies in conducting international business. Team Sweden coordinates state support to promote Swedish exports abroad.

Team Sweden will promote Swedish exports and make it simple for Swedish companies to establish themselves in the export market. The export support includes advice, financing, marketing and the long-term development of Swedish industry.

SEK is a part of Team Sweden, which consists of 19 authorities and organizations. Team Sweden can take different forms and the relevant parties work together to coordinate the Swedish export support that is required.

Swedish companies contribute to global projects

Team Sweden collaborate to increase Swedish deliveries to international infrastructure projects. The main purpose is creating good relationships with large international construction companies to increase export opportunities for Swedish companies.

Swedfund can finance prestudies for countries that are in need of investments. The investments can help in a wide range of areas like energy, infrastructure, waste management and special constructions such as hospitals or irrigation. If Swedish companies get the opportunity to contribute to the project, SEK and EKN will be there to help finance it.

Team Sweden’s members

The current members of Team Sweden are Almi, Business Sweden, the Swedish Institute, the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Export Credit Agency, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, the Swedish National Board of Trade,  Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Rise Researach Institute of Sweden, Sida, the Swedish Export Credit Corporation, the Swedish Institute, Swecare, Swedac, Swedfund, the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis, the Swedish Agency for Economical and Regional Growth, Swedish Customs, Vinnova, Visit Sweden as well as the Government Offices of Sweden.  The composition of Team Sweden can change over time.

From the members of Team Sweden, SEK collaborates most of all with the Swedish Export Credit Agency (EKN), which guarantees payment risks for companies and banks, Business Sweden, which offers guidance and support, Almi, which primarily assists smaller companies with loans and guidance, and Swedfund, which is the Development Finance Institution of the Swedish state. It is common that, for example, EKN guarantees the financing that SEK provides to our exporters.

Almi offers loans and guidance to companies wishing to expand and develop. Almi also invests in venture capital for companies in their early stages who have large growth potential and scalable business concepts. Almi’s target group is small and medium-sized enterprises with up to 2,550 employees.

Business Sweden helps Swedish companies increase their global financing, boost their revenue and reduce risk. They also assist international companies in identifying new business opportunities in Sweden.

The Swedish Export Credit Agency (EKN) insures companies and banks against the risk of not receiving payment from export transactions. The EKN is a public authority with the assignment of promoting Swedish exports and the internationalization of Swedish companies.

Swedfund is the Development Finance Institution of the Swedish state, whose mission is to combat poverty by means of sustainable business. In collaboration with strategic partners, Swedfund participates in economic, environmental and socially sustainable investments that create improved living conditions for people that are living in poverty and oppression.

Sida is Sweden’s government agency for development cooperation. They strive to reduce world poverty by allocating resources and knowledge with the goal of making a difference for people in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America.

The Swedish Export Credit System

Watch the film with SEK and EKN describing the Swedish Export Credit System.

Regional Export Centers

The Regional Export Centers have been introduced in all regions in order to simplify for SMEs with export ambitions to find the right support and the right export promoter around the country. The guide Support for you who want to export (only in Swedish) makes it a little easier to find the right support.