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A sustainable workplace

A sustainable workplace starts with healthy values. At SEK, we act proactive, engaged and as team players.

Competence and development

SEK needs to continuously develop employees to ensure a high level of competence in the organization. Employees are encouraged to take responsibility and develop, in part through internal job rotation.

Leadership and employeeship

In a sustainable workplace, employees can thrive and develop together. Both managers and employees undergo training using a coaching approach. The purpose is to create a culture characterized by openness and mutual responsibility.

Equality and diversity

SEK strives for equality and diversity and actively promotes employee diversity. Diversity contributes to an improved working climate, increased competence and a broader operational perspective.

In terms of recruitment, both internal and external, we always base our decisions on relevant and objective criteria in accordance with the job specification. When a candidate’s competence is compared with the job specification, the likelihood of diversity increases.

Every year, SEK establishes goals for its diversity work. One goal is to achieve as even a gender distribution as possible on the Board, in executive management and other management positions. Currently, the proportion of women in management positions stands at 52 percent and the proportion of men 48 percent.

Code of Conduct

SEK is a state-owned company that acts to ensure it retains the confidence of its operating environment. Our Code of Conduct guides our colleagues in terms of ethical behavior within the company and in our interactions with external parties.


SEK’s long-term ambition is to be a workplace that promotes good health and wellbeing. Employees are provided with wellness contribution, private medical and health insurance and an RUT (tax relief for domestic service work) service.

Stress is a major health risk. The company strategy is to pay close attention to any signs of ill-health, harassment, bullying and discrimination as early as possible so that relevant actions can be taken.


SEK’s procurements range from major IT systems and information services to office supplies and travel. A well-functioning procurement process is important if SEK is to have cost-efficient operations and to ensure that supplies meet SEK’s sustainability requirements.

A risk-based approach has been implemented in regard to the approval of new suppliers to be able to more efficiently ensure that our suppliers meet SEK’s requirements. Suppliers must comply with SEK’s anti-corruption and business ethics guidelines. A Code of Conduct for Suppliers has been introduced in this process. The Code of Conduct is based on the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.

Global Compact principles

Each year, a company-wide risk assessment is carried out of sustainability risks associated with the procurement of products and services. This is done to ensure that suppliers meet SEK’s sustainability requirements. The risk assessment encompasses the identification of high-risk industries and high-risk countries with regard to corruption, tax transparency, human rights including labor conditions, as well as the environment and climate change. Identified risks are considered when deciding whether or not to approve a new supplier.

Carbon footprint

SEK’s immediate carbon footprint is essentially limited to business trips and the head office in Stockholm. We continually reduce our carbon footprint by adapting such things as trips and purchases to be more eco-friendly. When possible, we travel by train rather than flying. Where possible, only Nordic Swan ecolabelled hotels are used for overnight stays. Find out more about emissions per employee in SEK’s Climate Report.


If you need to report suspected cases of corruption or other offences related to our business, write anonymously to our Compliancy departement, via our Speak-up system.
