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Contract guarantees

Export transactions often entail foreign buyers demanding guarantees, such as for advance payment and performance bonds, before entering into an agreement.

Guarantees issued by third parties, for example SEK, guarantee compensation to the buyer should the exporter be unable to fulfill its undertakings. A guarantee entails SEK assuming risk for the exporter and therefore, a customary credit assessment is conducted.

Foreign buyers of Swedish goods and services may require extremely high credit ratings in order to offer a guarantee. Some guarantee packages are so comprehensive that a bank can find it difficult to be faced with the total exposure. We are happy to share the risk with the bank, allowing you to complete a successful export transaction.

SEK’s credit ratings are AA+/Stable from Standard & Poor’s and Aa1/Stable from Moody’s, which are both one step away from the highest possible credit rating from the respective credit rating agencies.

We would prefer the guarantee to be connected to a transaction that we are directly involved in, such as an export credit or project financing, so as to be able to customize the guarantee.