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Press release February 26, 2025

Annual and Sustainability Report: Growing customer portfolio, new business volumes and record-high net interest income

2024 was a successful year for SEK. SEK delivered its highest net interest income to date – exceeding Skr 3 billion – and achieved a historically high operating profit of over Skr 2 billion despite challenging market conditions. The customer portfolio continued to grow, and SEK now has over 200 Swedish exporters as clients.

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In 2024, SEK continued to solidify its role as a long-term and reliable financing partner for Swedish export companies. An increased demand for customer financing solutions contributed to an increase in the volume of new business during the year. At the same time, the net interest income reached a record high, exceeding Skr 3 billion. The operating profit, which was also historically high, amounted to just over Skr 2 billion.

Globally, there is a great need for investments in areas such as security, defense, transportation, infrastructure, and energy transition. These sectors make up an important part of Sweden’s export industry. While geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainty have impacted the global landscape and dampened the investment appetite among companies, SEK has a positive outlook about the development going forward.

“The competitiveness of the Swedish export industry is very strong, and global investment needs represent considerable opportunities in sectors where Swedish companies are well positioned. We at SEK are proud of our mission to finance the Swedish export industry and of our contribution to the success of Swedish companies in the global market whilst also striving to be a driving force in the transition,” says Magnus Montan, CEO of Swedish Export Credit Corporation.

The volume of sustainability-classified lending increased 18 percent during the year, reaching Skr 53 billion. However, the cautious investment climate, combined with the repayment of previously issued loans, contributed to the total lending portfolio remaining unchanged during the year at Skr 283 billion.

SEK’s financing of   Swedish exports contributed Skr 61 billion to GDP and 73,000 jobs in 2024. The strong financial performance enables the payment of a high dividend to the Swedish state. The proposed ordinary dividend is Skr 673 million. The Board has also proposed an additional dividend of Skr 1,000 million.


  1. Annual and Sustainability Report 2024

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