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April 26, 2021

Global demand for sustainable transportation is increasing

Transportation sector companies can now seek financing for the transition to sustainable solutions that reduce climate emissions.

Areas encompassed here include bio-fuel production, construction of the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, suppliers of electric vehicle components, electrification of heavy vehicles, railway rails and signaling systems. Moreover, finance is available for haulage companies, goods and public transport companies and their subcontractors.

The transportation sector accounts for 30 percent of Sweden’s hazardous emissions and is the world’s second largest source of CO2 emissions, accounting for almost 25 percent of global emissions. Global demand for transportation is on the rise, and it is therefore necessary to find new sustainable solutions.

“The transportation sector accounts for 30 percent of Sweden’s hazardous emissions.”

Johan Henningsson, sustainability manager SEK

Examples of areas that can be financed

  • Automotive industry
  • Railway and public transport
  • Haulage companies

Sweden has all of the prerequisites in place to be a modern export nation, particularly when it comes to sustainable value chains and products. There are substantial driving forces to become an even smarter export nation and sustainable Swedish solutions can help reduce global climate emissions.

SEK finances climate transition in Sweden and abroad. We have extensive international experience of major projects, which often require long-term financing together with insight to manage project risks.

Does your customer need financing?

If you are transitioning your operations abroad or wish to offer financing to your international customers, read more under Export credits.