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Inwido chooses financing from SEK

SEK has provided finance to Inwido, Europe’s largest supplier of windows and one of the leading suppliers of doors.

Energy-efficient windows


Type of business: Working capital financing
Amount: EUR 51.5 million
Maturity: 5 years


Type of business: Working capital financing
Amount: EUR 51.5 million
Maturity: 5 years

Inwido acquires, owns and develops companies that improve people’s lives indoors with various products and services. Today, Inwido is Europe’s largest windows group and a natural home for the region’s strongest companies in the areas of comfort, indoor climate and safety.

Among Inwido’s Swedish holdings are companies such as Elitfönster, Hajom and SnickarPer.

In 2019, Inwido posted sales of approximately Skr 6.6 billion with an operating EBITA margin of 9.7 percent. In total, the Group has around 4,400 employees and operations in 11 countries. Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden and the UK.

With a focus on consumer requirements, the companies offer innovative products and services with attractive designs and a reduced impact on the environment that increase individual wellbeing.

The loan has been used to refinance parts of existing loans and to finance growth through acquisitions. SEK’s financing has contributed to broadening Inwido’s banking network.

“SEK’s loan constitutes a complement to Inwido’s bank financing and an opportunity for the group to diversify its borrowing.”

Helen Junker, Account Manager at SEK


Helen Junker Head of Mid Corporates, SEK

Would you like to know more?

Contact Helen Junker, Head of Mid Corporates, for more information.

+46 8 613 84 40