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Hedmarksvegen sets a new sustainability standard for the construction industry

The project comprises a 16 km four-lane motorway and a 9 km two-lane highway that will improve the road connection between Oslo and Trondheim, particularly for road freight, and which links Hamar and Elverum together for commuters.

Norway’s largest road project


Type of business: Project finance
Amount: NOK 1.47 billion
Maturity: 2020-2040 (3 loans)
Joint financers: SEB


Type of business: Project finance
Amount: NOK 1.47 billion
Maturity: 2020-2040 (3 loans)
Joint financers: SEB

Skanska’s Rv3/Rv25 Ommangsvollen – Grundset/Basthjørnet road project. This is one of Norway’s all-time largest road projects and is the first public private partnership (PPP) project to be conducted in Norway for more than ten years. The project comprises a 16 km four-lane motorway and a 9 km two-lane highway that will improve the road connection between Oslo and Trondheim, particularly for road freight, and which links Hamar and Elverum together for commuters.

Ground was broken in 2018 and the
the road was opened to traffic in July 2020, three months earlier than planned.

Skanska is one of the leading development and construction companies in the Nordic countries, with operations in building construction and civil engineering in Sweden, Norway, Finland, UK, USA and Eastern Europe. The project will set a new standard for the construction industry in terms of sustainability. The aim is to meet sustainability targets through CEEQUAL certification, an internationally recognized classification scheme for construction and infrastructure projects.

The project is classed as a category A project under the Equator Principles, which means that SEK has performed an in-depth sustainability review and assessed the project as having the ability to meet international standards for societal and environmental consideration.

Anna Karin Ljung Pulp, Paper and Construction, SEK

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Contact Anna Karin Ljung, Pulp, Paper and Construction, for more information.

+46 8 613 85 33