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Financing global expansion for ScandiNova Systems

ScandiNova Systems is a developer of pulse generators used in various high-power and high voltage applications such as radiation therapy. SEK has financed ScandiNova Systems AB, and the financing covers working capital to fund the company’s continued expansion.

Long-term relationships


Type of business: Working capital financing
Amount: Skr 20 million
Maturity: 2 years
Guarantee: EIF covers 50 percent of the loan


Type of business: Working capital financing
Amount: Skr 20 million
Maturity: 2 years
Guarantee: EIF covers 50 percent of the loan

At ScandiNova, we value long-term relationships and we have initiated an extremely successful partnership with SEK who, with its competence, smooth processes and competitive solutions, helped ScandiNova develop its key global position with continued positive progress.

“SEK has become both a close and a key business partner for our future expansion.”

Elisabeth Ogéus, CFO, ScandiNova Systems AB

Know your customer and sustainability assessments have been conducted, as per SEK’s standard practice in all transactions. The checks mean that the business transaction is analyzed to assess the risk of money laundering and financing of terrorism, the risk of corruption, negative environmental impact, human rights and labor conditions.

ScandiNova Systems’ pulse generators are used in various high-power and high voltage applications in the following areas: medical applications (radiation therapy, etc.); industrial applications (industrial scanning etc.); as well as radar and research applications (accelerator system for research in particle physics, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, etc.).