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Direct financing in the right currency

Hand pallet trucks and electric forklifts for export from Sweden to countries including Australia. With financing in Australian dollar (AUD), SEK is supporting Toyota’s growth moving forward.

Local currency


Transaction: Loan in AUD
Borrower: Toyota Industries Europe AB


Transaction: Loan in AUD
Borrower: Toyota Industries Europe AB

Toyota Industries Europe AB, with its head office in Sweden, requires financing in various currencies to support sales in its Group companies across the world.

SEK is one of few players in the market to offer financing in more than 15 currencies. By borrowing in the local currency, currency risk can be reduced given that cash flows are matched between revenue and financial costs. Earnings volatility can be reduced when the loan is revalued at the end of the fiscal year, and this can also mitigate uncertainty regarding future payments of interest and principal.

“In this way, the SEK is able to support the continued development of our Group with direct financing in the right currency”

Frank Åberg, Toyota Group Treasury

The factory in Mjölby has 2,500 employees and has been in operation since 1952. About 80,000 electric forklifts and approximately 90,000 hand pallet trucks are manufactured there each year. Sales take place in almost 100 countries.

Jens Breaum Automotive and shipping, SEK

Would you like to know more?

Contact Jens Breaum, Automotive and shipping, for more information.

+46 8 613 84 41